Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yippie yay yey H-1 to 111111

Hampir setahun sejak acaranya but I really need to complete this story.

Sampai dimana sebelumnya?

Ah let's start aja, it has been 11 months since it happened but anyhooo we can'y just erase our happiest moment in our life kan? Rekan kantor gue (duileh.. rekan) bilang weds blog ini sangat gelap, so I prefer to say I wrote my reality, but I do relly hope your weds is better dear...

Malam Midodareni

Karena baru pindah, gue blm dpt cuti dan karena bny kerjaan gue cuti 1 1/2 hari, Akad Jumat, Kamis siang cabut dari kantor ke Bandung, untuk malamnya Midodareni.

Sebelum pulang gue sempetin dong meni pedi di PS, gak tanggung-tanggu di OPI dong... (sekali seumur idup nih meni pedi dengan harga yg lebih mahal dari harga perawatan pra-wed *soal perawatan pre wed gue ceritain lain waktu*), kesorean karena meni pedi dulu, dan taunya hrs ke Bekasi dl ada selametan (whattt??? gue ga tau ada acara beginian????) Sampe Bdg, keluar di TOL TAK DIKENAL, dan kena MACET. Gue sampe Bandung jam 6.10 dengan badan rontok, capek, pegel, kesel, ditambah senior gue pake nelpon, masi nanyain kerjaan, gak sih gue keselnya keluar di pintu tol yang salah plus kegencet di mobil for 3 hours... Not exactly what I imagine H-1 of my wedding day. Midodareni jam 7.

Gue akhirnya ngedrop calon Mertua gue dan si Kaki Berbulu dihotelnya, and drive my self to my aunt's home. Tepar. Jd sampe rumah gue hanya ganti baju, lilit kain ikat (diiringi doa gak lepas), dan siap2 buat dateng iringan keluarga laki gue. Yak Midodareni, dan blablabla gue lupa ngapain aja seserahan dikasiin (not exactly what I imagine, tp kain batiknya lucu, terlihat dibuat dengan skill diatas rata-rata. But the rest is painful, skema warnanya berantakan -bahkan ga ada skema warna-, gue jd nyesel bela-belain minta beli tas ijo kulit ular yang mahal buat di pasin sama sepatu ijo, krn mereka gak ditero sebelahan dikotak yg sama.... ohmygod.. tepok jidat).

Tau-tau tante gue di telpon KUA, katanya berkas gue ga lengkap, ga ada foto (wtf??? gue ud register dari Februari + Submit berkas baru*nanti ada cerita masukin berkas baru). Pengsan gue...

Trus ngobrol, trus jam 9, gue bilang ke Kaki Berbulu, we need to rest, tomorrow is big day. So Midodareni selesai.

The Akad

So, setelah didepak menggati tukang rias gue yang gak profesional (beware of that fancy selembaran, pricey price list, beautiful dresses, doesn't mean he is that good), gue hire juru rias keluarga gue, Tisna, bagus kok.

Let me tell you something ya dear, on my wedding night, gue ud flu 3 hari sebelomnya, dan kebiasaan gue saat flu adalah idung gue lecet (ask my friends, idung gue lecet, berintilan, biasanya gue kasi bedak ato betadine kl ud luka) jadi di malam midodareni gue bak hitler, tp kumisnya putih, biar kering gue kasi bedak...
(bahkan siangnya pas pamit ke majikan, she screams horribly 'iduuung km kenapa????'... gue bilang 'no worry bu, nanti gak keliatan kok' bak mobil penyok masuk bengkel ketok megic *finger crossed* hehehe gak tau sih sotoy aja, but if we believe it will be...)

and on my Akad, si Tisna langsung "Yaaa ampun idungnya kenapa?" but he fixed it in no time. tak terlihat! Bravo!
Dia syok lagi pas makein baju pengantin "Ya ampuuun bulu keteknya gak dicukur..."
Ooopsie..saat itu gue mungkin penganten dengan bulu ketek tergondrong... hehe..., baju ok! Jalan ke tempat acara di tumah uwa gue, sebelomnya sepupu gue ud ngedekorin, dengan bunga-bunga kupu-kupu warna warni cantik, dan jalan lah kita ke masjid, gue nunggu, sampe dipanggil, dan jalan menunju tempat penghulu..

Baru deh, gue lihat si penghulu. Here's the thing. 11.11.11, kaya ada ratusan couples married on that day. Awalnya, kita booking dari Kamis, jam 8. Tapi karena satu dan lain hal, harus masukin berkas baru dan kita terancam gak dapet slot Jumat itu krn penuh, akhirnya dipaksain jam 9 HARUS bisa, dan KUA sepakat, penghulu dateng jam 9 atau 9.30 (krn acara sebelumnya jauh sekali). Amazingly, Penghulu dateng jam 8. dan acara dimulai jam 9 on time, dan eng ing eng... Penghulunya tampang preman, dengan jambang panjang, dan baju krem, bau asep rokok (sungguh tak tampak bagai penghulu dikawinan orang-orang), bahkan gue sempet bisik2 ke laki gue "penghulunya bau asep rokok), trus gue kesemutan, gak bisa berdiri, dan selesai lah akad nikah yang sangat sakral plus painful karena kaki gue kesemutan luar biasa.

Dugaan gue dan laki gue setelah dinyatakan sah dan ceramah agama, dan sungkem, dan foto di masjid, penghulu tsb adalah penghulu cabutan. Sekian. Tapi tetep sah kan yaaaa? Hehehe.


Ini adalah kritik untuk KUA sebagai pelaku pendaftaran pernikahan. Gue melalui tante gue sudah masukin berkas dari Februari untuk nikah bulan Nov. Ud bayar registrasi, dokumen dilengkapi setelahnya. Tau-taunya Agustus, entah gimana ketauannya (setelah tante gue ngecek lg jadwal atau gimana), nama gue ilang!! Rupanya, si pegawai pindah/ resign/ dipecat/ kabur dengan membawa uang pendaftaran gue yang menyebabkan gue hrs daftar ulang!!! WTF???

Pas daftar ulang, penuh lah itu 11.11.11. Tante gue dengan marah-marah maksa harus dapet hari Jumat. Dapatlah Jumat jam 9 pagi itu (dengan acara sebelumnya di mana tau). Submit lah dokumen baru. Eh, gilanya di malem midodareni tante gue ditelpon, katanya dokumennya kurang. Apa yang kurang? Fotonya sodara-sodara... Jd lah di hari akad gue gak foto pake buku nikah kaya artis2, karena gak ada fotonya...

Ntr gue isi foto Eminem, dan si Kaki Berbulu isi bukunya pake foto kembaran gue, Angelina Jolie.

Makanya waktu Penghulu dateng jam 8 gue dan laki gue langsung curiga, hehehe. Hey hey siapa dia? Bolehkan aku melihat paras wajahnya... Hei hei siapa dia?

Tapi, terlepas dari hal-hal diatas we're successfully getting married on that day :) Yaaaay!

Super Housewife of Neverland.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Prewedding: Photo? Should we?

Sejak dulu, gue selalu bermimpi dengan prewed photo session... Scene impian gue adalah:

1. Adegan pantai, dengan balon warna warni, gue suka bgt...
2. Trus adegan di bioskop dengan popcorn caramel
3. Adegan di theme park, dufan ato dimana kek...
4. Adegan makan mochi, sambil duduk baca buku di ruang TV

Yang mana, saat pernikahan itu datang di depan mata, entah karena budgetnya gak ada atau waktunya, atau emang gak niat aja, gak mau repot, gak ada aja loh itu foto pre-wed. padahal uda banyak riset, dan lihat-lihat konsep, sampe mau minta tolong temen segalaa... Kita putuskan kita gak (sempet bikin) pake pre-wed photo session.

Masalahnya, di kawinan kita butuh tuh butuh foto juga untuk display, ternyata industri perkawinan ini menempatkan foto pre wed sebagai default mode-nya sehingga didekor, ada gak ada musti ada tuh foto... ya kalo ga mau foto pas foto digedeein segede bagong dipajang depan gedung, sampe para tamu bisa ngitungin berapa biji jerawat dimuka kita sakinggedenya, ya disarankan mas mbak calon pengantin ini foto pre wed....

jadilah, si Kaki Berbulu menyarankan pakai foto petualangan kita sebagai foto prewed (yang dari dulu udah insist pengennya begini). Masalahnya, foto PETUALANGAN itu, namanya aja jalan-jalan, si Kaki Berbulu sih jalan-jalan tetep gaya maksimal, nah si Muka Lebar, occassion normal aja gak sisiran apa lagi jalan-jalan. Pastinya gak bedakan, dengan kostum seadanya...

Setelah perdebatan-perdebatan,jadilah dipilih foto petualangan kita selama pacaran jadi foto prewed, blaaarrrrrrr! Impian hilang dalam sekejap mata... miimpi gue dimake up, difoto pake baju bagus (pdhl uda dipinjemin kebaya hijau cantik sama Tisna, such a waste)... digantikan foto-foto perjuangan gue selama jalan-jalan (setuap petualangan adalah perjuangan) yang muka gue ga ada cakep-cakepnya... huks...hiks...

Tapi gue agak bahagia, setelah melihat total kerusakannya, foto pertama 120x80(? lupa) hanya 160 saja! Yang kedua 90rb saja... HAHAHAHAHA! *pelit* Thanks to Jonas Photo!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fairytale wedding

Suatu hari yang absrud gue sakit dan nonton film peter pan. Dia bilang "one fairy will die if you say fairy is not exist...or there is no such thing like fairy". As we grow up, we become more realistic, we no longer believe in fairy tale and happy ending.

I have been wondering lately yah... soal hal-hal menyangkut perkewongan ini, I was really excited in wedding stuffs, I am a big fan. Being a bride is every girl dream. Tetapi, excitement-nya hilang disaat I'm preparing the wedding itself. Looking at the budget, picking the vendor, the vendor betrayal *urghhhhhh*, so little time so much to do, too many people talk at the same time, too many "seharusnya kaya gini..." "gak boleh gini.." "harusnya kamu...".

Mungkin salah gue adalah, gue gak devoted my time to prepare the wedding and I didn't have professional help. Next time mungkin gue pakai EO kalau tau gue ga punya waktu untuk ini semua. So, I'm working my ass off here from the sun rise until it rises the very next day, while everyone calling me asking why I didn't get to the family meeting of my wedding in a town 180 km away from the place where I live. Belom lagi permintaan a, b, c, d -what ever, sehingga orang-orang mikir gue gak serius ngurusin atau gak menghargai atau apapun lah yang mereka pikir seharusnya gue lakuin tapi gue gak bisa,

Sehingga gue menjadi sangat realitis. I don't hang my hope up high in this so called celebration of love yah... My only wish is please get it done, ASAP, fast forward to Nov 13th please....

All I ever wanted was a simple wedding, where I can wear a simple pretty dress, with man I love, give my vow and live happily ever after.
sounds like fairy tale to me.
Yah, I'm the one who choose to be realistic, i have no other option other than just suck it up. Stick with it. Make it work.

Progress as per 27 September 2011:
-Semua ud fixed kecuali MC. Tinggal bayar DP, lunasin, ambil.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm getting married......!

Well, I'm getting married!

When man pops that question, others (woman or man-maybe?) Would answer a simple Yes or No or Perhaps... But, my answer a bit more complicated...

A lovely man asked me about a year ago, and I said "not after you have settled all your debts. How much is your debt?". Then just after that question, he disclosed his financial condition (and so do I) and I calculated our financial liabilities then I said "oke, we can get married next year!" Followed by a financial plan to settle all the debts we had for the following year, an arrangement that we will not make any long term financial arrangement, if we will, we have to notify the other, sort of conditions precedent to get married.

Let's we put this way... Indonesian law provides that any asset existed before the marriage, shall be your own personal assets. The entire assets (as well as debts) exist after the marriage will be yours and ur hubby. Unless you stipulate other wise on asset seperation arrangement, which I will not have one. The thing is, if you use credit cards (me and si kaki berbulu use it every day) even you had the transaction before the marriage, any credit cards bills (no matter when the transaction is) issued after the marriage will be you and hubby liability. The same thing applies for long term investment plan.

So, here we are, 4 months before the big day.

We have not found yet a wedding band, mc, set the menu, choose the decoration, dliver a green fabrics for the reception kebaya, invitation, souvenir.... Hmm, I am not really worried on those wedding stuffs. I have more important issue to resolve.... the terms and conditions on our marriage life.

This marriage, will be resulting in consolidation of debts. Si kaki berbulu liabilities will be mine after the marriage, and vice versa. The details that catch my biggest attention is -after the color of my wedding gown of course-, how much is our liabilities after the wedding.....

And it is a shocking truth, to know how much we can spend after the wedding (we still have some pending liabilities) not a painful truth, but yet still shocking. You can call me control freak matrealistic bitch, I call my self realistic. So, let's fall in love and get married, doesn't apply to me. A marriage is not risk free and we try to control the risk.

I have said this before, the reality starts after the fairy tale wedding celebration....

and beware brides, the reality bites ;)
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Tang itang itung tung tang tong pes!

Lama memang memperbaiki kekacauan karena tragedi bulan lalu. Finally kita mendapat catering baru. SW!

Dibantu oleh my lovely aunty, test food. Lalu diikuti test food oleh si kaki berbulu dan si muka lebar, and we said yes. Semoga hasilnya bagus. Amin. Dan hangus aja gitu dp si harmony.

Untuk tim solek belum ada kemajuan berarti. Tisna sudah di jadwal buat ketemu adam tp belom sempet. Jd yah hasil bandung kemarin masih catering.

Moreover on the seserahan progress we were making a huge step by taking a trip to Yogya just to buy batik seserahan. Hadeh. Capek juga mak. But that we had a great time. Pengen liburan aja sih. Kabur tepatnya. And we finally bought batik cap-tetep gak sanggup beli tulis-jd cap dengan sedikit tulis. Dan handuk gara-gara mau beli kasur tapi limit cc gak cukup.

Bulan tertongpes. Dengan segala pengeluaran perkewongan dan kegiatan pengisian rumah susun. Sungguh menguras dompet. Rumah susun? Yes gue musti ngisi rumah susun seorang diri.

Listnya gak kalah panjang dr seserahan. We'll discuss on the rusunami later.

Wahai si kaki berbulu pujaan hati, boleh gak harta bersamanya dimulai bulan ini aja. Patungan isi rumah susun yuk. -ngarep-

Penjahit blm nemu, mc, undangan dan souvenir blm jelas. Let's pray the best for november.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Medicine to Heal your Wounds

Kali ini we are not talking about medicine pharmacy yah. Jadi akibat dari kejadian kejadian tempo lalu, membuat si Muka Lebar menangis terbahak-bahak dan tertawa tersedu-sedu. Dan ekses sutrisno to the max tiada lain dan tiada bukan eat like a pig.

Dan kebetulan pula kondisi kosan mendukung, ada kue ulang tahun my beloved butut, the second best chocolate cake, the rum risin choco cake by awfully chocolate, delicious cookies from cookies box, ahhhh surga lah. And i did eat like a pig, dari selasa, si kukis dari 3 macem, senen ini hanya tinggal semacem, sichoco cake ud setengah habis. Huhuhu. Belum lagi, hasil kunjungan ke Bdg kemarin sukses bungkus 2 strudels apple dan rum risin (tau the strudels dari jeng silly Ana heuhu my fellow bride to) yang habis sekejap malam sampai di jkt. Bagaimana mau kurus, diet kaga fitnes pun jarang? Ngomong noh sama tangan.

Ngomong soal makanan, mari lupakan gue belon punya catering. Mari bermimpi duli, gue pengennya entah di acara lamaran, akad atau resepsi ada cupcakesnya!

tampak lucuuu, cup cakes sama sponge cake yg warnanya custom, jadi kebanyakan nonton DC cupcakes aku ingin cup cakenya seperti:
1. Chocolate cup cake, dengan butter cream hijau
2. Cup cake hijau putih layering butter cream chocolate
3. Cupcake cokelat dengan white drop chocolate dan butter cream hijau
4. Cupcake putuh drop chocolate butter cream hijau.

Untuk sponge cake, mau lapisan warna hijau cokelat hijau dengan cream chocolate dan lapisan cokelat hijau cokelat dengan butter cream putih. I prefer whip cream yah, tergantung harga sih. Bahkan gue berfantasi belajar masak buat bikin keik di kawinan gue sendiri. Tapi kata tante gue rempong. Mungkin buat lamaran kali yah. Hihi cuma musti banyak trial and error, biar yg makan kaga pengsan.

Gue sempet survei juga loh percupcakean ini, yg taste-nya berbanding lurus sama kiyutnya adalah Cake a Wish, tapi untuk yg butter cream decoration soalnya gue belom beli fondant cup cakenya. Gue pernah rasain fondant itu biasa bgt rasanya. Selain itu ada cup cake by chocalot webnya Pernah dikasi teman rasanya lumayan mirip bgt sama cake a wish sponge cakenya.

Well, anyway semoga keinginan gue kali ini terkabul. Amin.

Ngomong-ngomong soal catering, gue akhirnya mencari capeng yang mau mengambil alih DP gue, lewat website weddingku dan gue tulis "Harmony Catering-12 November 2011 (oper DP)" temen gue si red hair langsung komen "over DP dimana-mana pake evvv bukan pake peeeee". For once in my life time yah, gue jd begitu Sunda. Haha.

Jadi OPER apa OVER sihhhhh?
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shits Happen...

I know shit happens all the time. But this time, i feel like im wearing invincible t-shirt saying "hey throw me with shit" and the world starts shitting on me.

Anyway here what happened in the past weeks.
1. Our family held a family meeting, the agenda is my wedding, and i couldn't attend. And some ppl think i have to come, which i seriously cannot (i also prefer to spend my weekend shopping or pampering my self than working), and they think i don't care. The points are my absence was not acceptable and resulted in unpleasant effects from them (shouting calls in the morning, lots of arguing, etc) this was a bloody weekend --------> and the fun fact is, the agreements i had been working on during the bloody weekend, which i had finished by Monday (Yes, that Monday when everybody is on holiday) my boss told me to change the format. Hell, yeah i had to do it all over again.

2. Due to my absence on the familiy meeting, it seems like i have lost my voting right. I reckon. I made it clear on my last visit. I want all my aunties wearing maroon for the weds reception, and my cousin wearing pink (maybe a bit red wine but much lighter), my mom would wear gold and sisters are light green. And there goes my aunty bought gold fabrics for all of them, and brown for my cousins. And leave me in confusion, what color should my mom wear? I found this very annoying. Even pledge of shares won't take the voting right, they should listen to me. They should wear maroon.

3. It left me with the confusion (not until tuesday when my mom told me what happened in point 2), and my mom and my miltb decided to pick another color for them, (that i really hope it would not turn out to be a disaster). They picked purple and gold. My choice was gold fabric with purple line for the flower and they decided purple fabric with gold line. My sisters will be purple and green. It turned out we will be having a purple barney theme party! Yay, it will be fun! (I'll make sure to rent barney costume and having the red hair wearing it, she will walk on the entrance performance instead of aki-nini or tari merak. Sounds great)

4. The highlight of this tuesday was when dindin called me and he said, he cannot perform his obligation (doing the make up), since he has already had appointment with the third parties. "would you like my assistant to do the make up? Her make up is really good" he said. Well, frankly i want you to do the make up because, it was dindin that i came to and pay for, not "dindin's assistant". Even he said he was sorry and this was all his mistakes (he forget to mention cross check the schedule so it's overlapping with mine) however, sorry won't fix anything. So, what option is left for me?
Based on our contract he has to do all the make up. I already paid the down payment. He can't perform his obligation. Since the obligation is a personal quality, nothing can replace it. Therefore, it makes him in the position of event of default. Since, it would not be possible to restore the default, it left me with the option sue him for compensation and/or demanding for cancellation of contract. I think i rather choose the easy one, cancel the contract and each party has to return all the cost the other party has paid.

5. So, i have to find another make up artis and caterer (my family obviously reject harmony at the meeting due to some reasons). And i lock up out side my room (long story) while my list of vendors, my car key, my every stuff that i might need in the future is in my room, and the mas kos2an, the man that i had already asked to fix my door weeks ago but he haven't done it, until the day that i was afraid to come, is coming, today, is in Bogor and his wife has no idea when he will return. Great.

I think i should be sleeping at 4 season tonight, have a full room service, go to spa, eat at 5 star restaurant. Wait i don't have the money, oh i can sue my make up artist, i forgot.

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